

有一套VMWARE VSAN系统停机多日,现将服务器开机,通过登录vcenter所在的esxi主机将vcenter开机,vcenter虚拟机位于vsan存储中,通过https://vcenter的IP打开vcenter管理界面,进入vcenter后发现所有主机都处于断开的状态,怀疑为之前未安装vcenter许可,试用的60天许可过期导致。

打开系统管理——许可证,添加许可证,提示Unable to connect to the License Service. Verify that the service is running,远程桌面登录到vcenter虚拟机上,在命令行下使用“c:\program files\vmware\vcenter server\bin\service-control” –status vmware-license,报错,使用 “c:\program files\vmware\vcenter server\bin\service-control” –stop vmware-license可以停止vmware-license服务,但是使用 “c:\program files\vmware\vcenter server\bin\service-control” –start vmware-license报错,不能正常启动该服务,将系统中vmware相关的服务都重启,问题依旧,重新安装vcenter后,添加vcenter许可证,再新建数据中心,新建群集,重新添加三台esxi主机后,整个vcenter恢复以前的正常状态。

补充1、 可以通过“c:\program files\vmware\vcenter server\bin\service-control” — list查看相关的服务。

























或者命令⾏下执⾏esxcli vsan cluster get






如何在 ESXi 主机重建之后将主机重新添加到 vSAN 群集

要将 ESXi 主机重新加入 vSAN 群集,请执行以下操作:

  1. 安装主机,确保预留 vSAN 磁盘分区。
  2. 在主机上配置 vSAN VMkernel 端口组。
  3. 在 vCenter Server 中将主机重新连接到 Virtual SAN 群集。
  4. 使用 SSH 连接到 vSAN 群集中剩余的一台主机。
  5. 使用以下命令找到 vSAN Sub Cluster ID:

    # esxcli vsan cluster get


    Cluster Information
    Enabled: true
    Current Local Time: 2013-09-06T18:50:39Z
    Local Node UUID: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a
    Local Node State: MASTER
    Local Node Health State: HEALTHY
    Sub-Cluster Master UUID: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a
    Sub-Cluster Backup UUID: 52270091-d4c9-b9a0-377b-90b11c3dfe18
    Sub-Cluster UUID: 5230913c-15de-dda3-045e-f4d510a93f1c
    Sub-Cluster Membership Entry Revision: 1
    Sub-Cluster Member UUIDs: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a, 52270091-d4c9-b9a0-377b-90b11c3dfe18
    Sub-Cluster Membership UUID: f3b22752-f055-bcc5-c622-90b11c3dd59a

  6. 使用在步骤 5 中找到的 Sub Cluster UUID 在新重建的 ESXi 主机上运行以下命令:

    # esxcli vsan cluster joinsub_cluster_UUID


    # esxcli vsan cluster join -u 5230913c-15de-dda3-045e-f4d510a93f1c

  7. 运行以下命令,确认主机现在为 vSAN 群集的一部分:

    # esxcli vsan cluster get


    Cluster Information
    Enabled: true
    Current Local Time: 2013-09-06T11:51:51Z
    Local Node UUID: 522756f5-336a-8de0-791a-90b11c3e1fb9
    Local Node State: AGENT
    Local Node Health State: HEALTHY
    Sub-Cluster Master UUID: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a
    Sub-Cluster Backup UUID: 52270091-d4c9-b9a0-377b-90b11c3dfe18
    Sub-Cluster UUID: 5230913c-15de-dda3-045e-f4d510a93f1c
    Sub-Cluster Membership Entry Revision: 1
    Sub-Cluster Member UUIDs: 521b50a1-ad57-5028-ad51-90b11c3dd59a, 52270091-d4c9-b9a0-377b-90b11c3dfe18, 522756f5-336a-8de0-791a-90b11c3e1fb9
    Sub-Cluster Membership UUID: f3b22752-f055-bcc5-c622-90b11c3dd59a

  8. 在 vCenter Server 中,刷新 vSAN 状态视图。所有主机现在都报告状态为“正常”。


vSphere 6.5密码重置(vCenter, SSO and ESXi)

Everyone knows the situation where you can’t log into a system because you have forgotten the password. The following article explains how to reset the password and regain access to VMware vSphere 6.5 core components including vCenter, SSO and ESXi Hosts.

  • Reset vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 root password
  • Reset SSO Administrator Password (vCenter Server Appliance 6.5)
  • Reset ESXi root password with Host Profiles
  • Gain Administrative ESXi access with an Active Directory
  • Reset ESXi root password (Linux Live CD)

Reset vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 root password

The following method provides steps to recover the vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA) root password. The process is slightly different compared to previous versions as the OS has been changed to PhotonOS. The method is officially supported by VMware and documented in KB2147144.

  1. Take a snapshot of the vCSA to be able to rollback in case of any problems during password recovery.
  2. Connect to the ESXi Host that runs the vCSA and open a remote console.
  3. Reboot the vCSA
  4. Press e immediately after the system starts (When the PhotonOS screen shows up)
  5. Append rw init=/bin/bash to the line starting with linux

  6. Press F10 to boot
  7. In the command prompt, enter passwd and enter a new root password twice
  8. Enter umount / to unmount the root filesystem
  9. Reboot the vCSA by running the command reboot -f
  10. Verify that you can log in with the new root password and delete the snapshot created in step 1.


Reset SSO Administrator Password (vCenter Server Appliance 6.5)

The following method provides steps to recover the SSO administrator password on a vCenter Server Appliance (vCSA). The method is officially supported by VMware and documented in KB2146224.

  1. Log in to the vCSA using SSH as root
  2. Enter shell to start the bash shell
  3. Identify the SSO Domain Name (Default is vsphere.local)
    # /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vmafd-cli get-domain-name --server-name localhost

  4. Start the vdcadmintool

    # /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin/vdcadmintool
  5. Press 3 (Reset account password)
  6. The tool asks for the Account UPN to reset. Enter Administrator@<DOMAIN> (identified in Step 3)
  7. The tool generates and displays a new password.
  8. Use the password to log in with the vSphere Web Client and change the password.


Reset ESXi root password with Host Profiles

According to VMware KB1317898, “reinstalling the ESXi host is the only supported way to reset a password on ESXi”. However, there is a loophole as you can set the root password with Host Profiles under certain conditions. This method has two requirements:

  • The ESXi hosts needs to be managed by a vCenter
  • vSphere Enterprise Plus License is required to use Host Profiles

The vCenter uses a vpxuser to communicate with ESXi hosts, so it does not depend on the root account. As long as the ESXi host is managed by the vCenter, you can change the configuration without knowing the ESXi root password. This method works with all ESXi 5.x and 6.x versions.

  1. Create a Host Profile with the ESXi you want to reset the root password as reference Host
    Web Client > Right-Click the ESXi Host > Host Profiles > Extract Host Profile…
  2. Navigate to the Host Profile and select Actions > Edit Settings…
  3. Navigate to the root User Configuration
    Security and Services > Security Settings > Security > User Configuration > root
  4. Set the Password configuration to Fixed password configuration and enter a new password.
  5. Click Finish to close the profile configuration
  6. Right-Click the Host Profile and select Attach/Detach Hosts and Clusters…
  7. Highlight the ESXi host, Click Attach > and finish the configuration screen

  8. Put the ESXi host into maintenance mode
  9. Right-Click the ESXi host and select Host Profiles > Remediate…
  10. Finish the remediation wizard. The remediation should take less than a minute, no reboot is required.
  11. Use the new root password to login


Gain Administrative ESXi access with an Active Directory

When you don’t have the Enterprise Plus license, you can join an Active Directory to regain administrative access to the ESXi host. This method circumvents the limitation that root PW recovery is not supported.

  1. Login to the vCenter with the vSphere Web Client
  2. Navigate to ESXi > Configure > System > Authentication Services
  3. Click Join Domain…
  4. Enter the domain name and user credentials
  5. Click OK
  6. In the ESXi configuration, open System > Advanced System Settings
  7. Enter Config.HostAgent.plugins.hostsvc.esxAdminsGroup in the search field
  8. Change the settings to match the Administrator group that you want to use in the Active Directory. You can either create a new group in your direcotry or enter an existing group


Reset ESXi root password (Linux Live CD)

When you need to recover root access and the methods above are not applicable, the last method explains how to reset the root password with a Linux Live CD. Please be aware that this method is not supported by VMware as KB1317898 states: “reinstalling the ESXi host is the only supported way to reset a password on ESXi”. You can use any current Linux Live CD or installer CD that has a recovery mode. In this example I’m using Knoppix.

  1. Shutdown the ESXi host
  2. Boot the system with the Linux Live CD
  3. Make sure that you can read the gpt partition table, for example with parted /dev/sda print
  4. We are looking for the first fat16 partition with a size of 262MB. IT should be number 5.
  5. Mount the partition
    # mount /dev/sda5 /media/sda5
  6. Verify that there is a current state.tgz in the directory.
  7. # ls -l /media/sda5/state.tgz

  8. The state.tgz file contains the local.tgz file which contains the configuration. Extract both to a temporary directory.
    # cd /tmp/
    # cp /media/sda5/state.tgz /tmp/state.tgz
    # tar -xf state.tgz
    # tar -xf local.tgz
  9. Edit the shadow file and remove the root password
    # vi etc/shadow

    Remove the hashed password until the second colon:

    You want a file that looks like this:

  10. Save the file and exit the editor (<ESC> :wq <ENTER>)
  11. Recreate state.tgz with the changed shadow file
    # tar -czf local.tgz etc
    # tar -czf state.tgz local.tgz
  12. Move state.tgz back to ESXi partition and make sure to overwrite the old file
    # mv state.tgz /media/sda5/
  13. Reboot to ESXi. You should be able to access the DCUI or log in as root without a password.

离线更新Vmware VSAN HCL数据库的方法

在VSAN的配置中的运行状况,可以看到HCL数据库的上次更新日期,同时右侧有两种更新方式,如果你的环境中允许vCenter Server连接到互联网可以定期联网获取最新版本,如果环境中不允许联网,这时候可以通过离线的文件进行更新。

下载离线VSAN HCL文件实际上只是一个JSON文件,通过以下地址下载:



Vmware vSAN HCL服务介绍

本文介绍了 vSAN 运行状况服务中的 vSAN HCL 运行状况 – vSAN HCL 数据库最新检查,并详细介绍了可能报告错误的原因。

严格按照《VMware 兼容性指南》(VCG)/《硬件兼容性指南》(HCL) 中的说明操作对保持 vSAN 环境的稳定性至关重要。 长久以来的经验表明,不遵守 VCG 经常导致生产中断。 因此,监控 HCL 中的检查器类别运行状况检查非常重要。 有关详细信息,请参见 VMware Certified Compatibility Guides

问: “vSAN HCL 运行状况 – vSAN HCL 数据库最新”检查的用途是什么?

此运行状况检查验证用于 HCL 检查的 VMware 兼容性指南数据库是否是最新的。 这些 VCG 检查并非根据 VMware 网站上的 HCL 执行,而是根据存储在 vCenter Server 上的副本执行。

运行状况功能的初始版本随发布当时最新的 HCL 数据库的副本提供。 随着时间的推移,此数据库副本将过时。 向 VCG 添加合作伙伴的新认证后尤其如此。

注意: 硬件供应商会定期更新驱动程序,VMware 会为这些驱动程序添加认证。 甚至可能会从 VCG 删除旧驱动程序以反映发现的问题。 因此,保持本地副本是最新版本非常重要。

问: 如果该检查处于错误状态,意味着什么?
此检查使用 90 天或 180 天的使用期限阈值来分别显示警告或错误。 这些阈值偏高,VMware 建议在可操作范围内尽可能经常更新数据库。
问: 如何排除故障并修复错误状态?
非常简单,只需保持 vCenter Server 上的 HCL 数据库是最新版。

在vsphere esxi将普通硬盘设置成固态硬盘的方法


esxcli storage nmp satp rule add –satp VMW_SATP_LOCAL –device mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0 –option “enable_ssd”
esxcli storage core claiming reclaim -d mpx.vmhba1:C0:T1:L0

其中C0:T1:L0在web控制台下的存储器——存储设备可以看到,也可以通过命令esxcli storage core device list看到。




  • 至少3台以上的vSphere ESXi 5.5U1主机
  • 每台主机需要至少一块SSD和一块磁盘(至少有3台主机有这样的配置)提供给VSAN数据存储用
  • 每台主机至少要有千兆网卡,推荐万兆。如果是千兆,建议有一个千兆端口专门提供给VSAN专用。
  • 每台主机最少6GB内存
  • 支持虚拟化技术的Intel或AMD处理器,至少是Intel XEON corei7级别或更高。
